District Programs
Pulaski Conservation District runs a variety of programs that promote resource conservation. District programs are usually run by either PCD itself or in cooperation with the State of Arkansas or other government entities.
Beaver Control Program
As the largest North American rodent, beavers can be found across Arkansas. Beavers build dams to alter the landscape to fulfill their needs, creating ponds that can serve as valuable aquatic habitats for many other species. However, beavers sometimes select sites that conflict with human activity, and the resulting flooding can cause significant damage to land and property.
Pulaski Conservation District is a partner in the Conservation District Beaver Control Program administered by the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. PCD currently pays a bounty of $10 per tail for beavers trapped in Pulaski County only. During tax season, PCD will issue a 1099 form for all trappers receiving $600 or more in a calendar year. Trappers must notify the District, complete forms, and negotiate with the landowner before trapping begins. Our regularly scheduled beaver bounty day is the last Wednesday of each month from 9:30AM - Noon. Other days and times can be scheduled by appointment. To become a certified trapper with PCD and be eligible for the beaver bounty, please download and fill out the forms at right and return them to our office. The Trapper Certification and W-9 forms need only be filled out once annually. The Request for Payment form must be completed by both the landowner and trapper each time beavers are harvested for bounty. |
Beaver Program Forms |
Water-Use Registration
Arkansas's Water-Use Registration Program provides protection to ensure that the state's water resources are here for everyone to use, for centuries to come. In accordance with state laws, any non-domestic user of groundwater that has the potential to withdraw at least 50,000 gallons/day (35 gallons/min flow rate) or any user of surface water that withdraws one acre-foot (325,851 gallons) or more per year, must report their annual water usage and pay a $10 registration fee per well/relift between October 1st through March 1st each year.
For wells and relifts located in Pulaski County, agricultural/irrigation water-use registration is conducted through the Pulaski Conservation District in cooperation with the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. Each fall, PCD mails registration letters to all registered diverters/farmers and/or landowners reminding them of this annual requirement. There were 365 wells and relifts registered in Pulaski County for the 2014 growing season.
Information required at registration is for the completed cropping season and includes the following:
*Name, address, and phone number of landowner and diverter(water user)
*Number, size, and location of wells and/or relifts
*Crop type grown (corn, soybeans, catfish, ducks, etc.)
*Acreage irrigated or aqua-cultured
*Quantity of water used and the months used
Registrations can be completed at the Pulaski Conservation District office or by phone/mail. Failure to register by April 1st will result in penalty fees in addition to the registration fees owed. For more information on Arkansas's Water-Use Registration Program visit https://www.agriculture.arkansas.gov/natural-resources/divisions/water-management/groundwater-protection-and-management-program/water-use-registration/
For wells and relifts located in Pulaski County, agricultural/irrigation water-use registration is conducted through the Pulaski Conservation District in cooperation with the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. Each fall, PCD mails registration letters to all registered diverters/farmers and/or landowners reminding them of this annual requirement. There were 365 wells and relifts registered in Pulaski County for the 2014 growing season.
Information required at registration is for the completed cropping season and includes the following:
*Name, address, and phone number of landowner and diverter(water user)
*Number, size, and location of wells and/or relifts
*Crop type grown (corn, soybeans, catfish, ducks, etc.)
*Acreage irrigated or aqua-cultured
*Quantity of water used and the months used
Registrations can be completed at the Pulaski Conservation District office or by phone/mail. Failure to register by April 1st will result in penalty fees in addition to the registration fees owed. For more information on Arkansas's Water-Use Registration Program visit https://www.agriculture.arkansas.gov/natural-resources/divisions/water-management/groundwater-protection-and-management-program/water-use-registration/